Ecotourism Ireland

Ecotourism Ireland – Ecotourism is “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people” (International Ecotourism Society)

Clare Ecolodge is proud to be an ecotourism destination in Ireland and strives to provide guests with a comfortable and enjoyable, low impact, sustainable holiday, while exploring the natural landscape and learning about the culture and history of its people, all with a minimal carbon footprint and with maximum immersion the the community and outdoors.

The Environment & Our Policy:

Our environment is our home and we care for it thoughtfully and with respect.  It is extremely important to us that our buildings, gardens and land are a safe and pleasant place for people and animals and where nature thrives. A visitor to Clare Ecolodge will be immersed in a natural and peaceful environment.

Actions we have already taken to minimize our impact on the environment:


  • At least 70% of our electricity is generated from an on-site 30 panel Solar PV system.
  • We have installed an air to water heat pump system to heat all our water cutting out our reliance on oil.
  • Our aim is to be 100% off grid and self – sustainable. This includes central heating, water heating and electricity. We are currently 60% self-sustainable.
  • Most light bulbs are energy efficient models.  As older ones are replaced new energy efficient lighting is installed.
  • Windows are double glazed.
  • Additional Wind generated electricity is provided by Airtricity.
  • Washing is air dried 90% of the time.
  • Appliances are turned off when not in use.

Here is a link to our energy system: Clare Ecolodge Sunny Portal system


Rainwater is harvested and used in the buildings where possible and for our gardens.


  • Fruits and vegetables are locally sourced and organic (when possible) .
  • Cheese and free-range eggs are provided by local farms
  • Coffee and tea purchased displays the fair trade logo


  • Food waste is composted
  • Packaging waste is minimised by growing our own food, and buying locally produced foods and buying in bulk.
  • The Ecolodge uses only 24 wheelie bins per year and plans to decrease waste generation annually.
  • All plastic, glass and tin is recycled
  • Manure is composted and used as fertiliser in the garden and land


TFI, local community bus, services the locality with links to surrounding villages and towns.

Detergents and Cleaning:

  • Eco-friendly cleaners are used for all cleaning and clothes washing.
  • No fertilisers or pesticides are used in the garden or on the land
  • Cloths are used instead of paper towels.

Staff and Guest Awareness:

  • Ample information about our eco-friendly practices and current environmental issues is available on our web site.
  • We practice what we preach.


  • Some of our land is designated as a Special Protection Area for the hen harrier, a threatened bird of prey.

Community Involvement:

  • We promote environmental awareness through practice.
  • We are a case study example for sustainable rural Irish businesses.
  • We take an active role in our community through entertainment events and outdoor activities.

Our Community:

The Loughnane family have been in East Clare for over 200 years.  The Ecolodge takes an active role and interest in the people and natural resources associated with our community and supports many of the residents within it directly and indirectly.

An ecotourism holiday at Clare Ecolodge involves the entire community.  We facilitate local guides and holistic practitioners,  buy local products and promote local businesses.  We support local crafters, sports clubs, and tourist attractions, as well as hold events throughout the year that are open to the community. Guests are encouraged to interact with the community, visit it’s hidden gems, and spend time in the local pubs.

We provide information about the locality and written materials for our guests to learn about the rich history of this area.   We hope our guests will take the time to explore the wonders around them as there is much to be learned and experienced within a few miles of the Ecolodge.